Those hours spent on "Her Story" passed so quickly that you could say it felt like they were just minutes.
This videogame is about investigating a murder with a very original approach: through clips of video taken during the interrogation of suspects.
The search is made through a particular video database were you have to enter "key words": in this way the player has access and can see bits of clip containing those specific key words.
It takes a few hours but eventually, at the end, everything become more clear and you can finally make up your mind about the facts and the guilty party... Just be aware that a bit of frustration will get in the way, especially toward the end of your search, as the number of key words becomes smaller ans smaller anderefore the search of the right word will become harder.
But apart from that: strongly suggested!
Last note, about the ending: we found it very poetic and quite brave... well done Sam Barlow! ;-)
In questo videogame il giocatore deve investigare un omicidio in un modo estremamente originale.
Ha disposizione un database di video di interrogatori di sospetti e deve ricercare tramite parole chiave...un po' come funziona su un motore di ricerca in internet.
Lentamente e progressivamente, una ricerca alla volta, la storia diventerà sempre più chiara e sarà possibile quindi comprendere tutti gli eventi. Oltre alla narrazione estremamente originale un plauso va fatto anche alla recitazione dei protagonisti e al finale estremamente toccante.