* 😎💬📐Creator: Tim Fower
* 😎🎨✅ Artists: R.Goldsberry
* 👯💪👍 Competitive/Cooperative
* 👦👧👨 2-4 Players (10+ years old)
* ⌛⏰⏳ 60'
* 📊📆📢 Published by: Fowers Games
Bored of those long Scrabble games that always frustrate you since at the end there's no more space on the board and the only letter you have left is a mere "Q"?
Created by one of our favourite Designer, Tim Fower's "Paperback" will give a nice twist to the old and plain "just create your word" mechanics of the already mentioned "Scrabble".
Letters will also activate special combo and give additional VP to the words you create. No board conditions to satisfy since there is none..just use your imagination!
A VERY fun and quick deck building game, maybe the competitive version works better than the cooperative one but still a nice title.
***Just a quick complaint about the Italian version of the game: the italian editor chose to change the format of the game's box! That mean you can't use the card dividers provided within the game, since the box is too small!!! That's quite a shame since Fower's games are known to have a very nice and original packaging (Burgle Bros and Fugitive have wonderful boxes!).
#boardgames #boardgametesters#boardgamesunday #wordgames#tiredofscrabble #cooperative#competitive #timfowersgames#instagamer #instagamers #giochidatavolo#nerd #fun #game #play
Paperback è il primo titolo di uno dei nostri designer preferiti e reinventa i giochi di parole alla scarabeo.
I giocatori compongono parole usando le lettere che hanno in mano e, a seconda del valore della parola, acquistano nuove lettere da aggiungere al proprio mazzo, come un classico deck builder.
Il gioco è giocabile sia competitivo e cooperativo. La prima versione è palesemente meglio studiata ma anche la seconda rende bene se amate il genere.
Consigliato a tutti quelli che amano i giochi di parole ma sono stanchi di Scarabeo.