* 😎💬📐Creators: V. Bagiartakis, D. Turczi
* 😎🎨✅ Artists: Gong StudIos
* 👯💪👍 Competitive
* 👦👧👨 1-4 Players (12+ years old)
* ⌛⏰⏳ 30'-45'
* 📊📆📢 Published by: Artipia Games
. "I NEED MORE SALT GODDAMIT!" . Kitchen Rush is a wonderful cooperative game. Players are chefs trying to prepare various dishes with specific ingredients and spices. . To do this every player has one or more worker (every one is a 30' hourglass) that has to be placed in a "worker placement" mechanic. Every round lasts just 4 minutes and during this amount of time players must play all together but. AT THE SAME TIME! . Plenty of laughs, adrenaline and components flying all around the table (and room) since players inevitably hit eachother while trying to cook in time every dish! . Very jice components and a gameplay that we think couldn't be more thematic than that... Kitchen Rush has all the ingredients (pun intended) to be one of the best cooperative game we've ever played. . #boardgames #boardgametesters#cooperative #instagamer #instagamers#giochidatavolo #nerd #fun #game #play #kitchenrush #pasataistoocooked#wedropafewplates #somuchfun . . In Kitchen Rush i giocatori sono a capo di una cucina e devono preparare e servire diversi ordini entro un tempo limite. . Tutte le azioni si svolgono con una logica di piazzamento lavoratori usando clessidre da 30'. Si gioca tutti contemporaneamente in turni da 4 minuti l'uno. . Questo gioco da tavolo è un cooperativo da altissima tensione per tutta la durata della partita. Costringe i giocatori a dover comunicare mentre contemporaneamente cercano di giocare senza sbagliate gli ordini. . Perfetto per gli amanti dei cooperativi o se cercate un cooperativo che non permetta in alcun modo l'imporsi di Alpha Player ;-)