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Writer's pictureBoardGame Testers


* 😎💬📐Creators: Kane Klenko

* 😎🎨✅ Artists: Anita Osburn et al

* 👯💪👍 Cooperative

* 👦👧👨 1-5 (10+ years old)

* ⌛⏰⏳ 25-45'

* 📊📆📢 Published by: Renegade Game Studios

We deeply enjoyed Fuse and had plenty of fun playing it various times. . We didn't expect to enjoy Flatline even more! Flatline is the natural sequel of Fuse: the story goes that unfortunately the bomb went off and now you have to manage patients harmed in the explosion. . Every player has a set of dice that have to be placed in different sections (and combinations) to cure patients. . But beware you have JUST ONE MINUTE to decide with the other players what to do! It is literally impossible to win without keeping communication with other players constantly open, since it's a real time kind of game. . Only drawback is that maybe the “Hospital” theme it's a bit disconnected from artwork and mechanics. We actually felt like this was actually a choice of the designers. . You'll easily find yourself shouting and laughing at the same time... Flatline is plenty of fun but still a quite complex and difficult game with just a 25’ to 45’ time of play! . #boardgames #boardgametesters #competitive #instagamer #instagamers#giochidatavolo #nerd #geek #fun #game #play #flatline #justoneminute#anxiety #savinglives . Flatline è il seguito di Fuse, gioco cooperativo di dadi a tempo di un paio d'anni fa. . In Flatline i giocatori devono sempre tirare dadi e collocarli su una plancia il più in fretta possibile, ma Flatline aggiunge una serie di complicazioni, tra carte che devono essere risolte prima di danneggiare i giocatori, turni limitati ed altre amenità che faranno venire l'ansia. . Veramente un ottimo titolo per chi desidera un real time coop game che sia coinvolgente.

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